Monday, September 27, 2010

The Beginning...

Well, today marks the first day of many that my husband is going to be incredibly busy. I'm going to feel like a single mother for a little bit which I completely understand. When starting a new store you kind of have to baby it for a couple of weeks. Pretty much Tim will be babysitting our new kiosk and all the new employees that will be working in it. As excited as I am, there is a sense of loneliness that comes along with it. I am a little bummed that I won't be quite involved in the opening of this store, in the sense that I will not be opening in the morning there at the kiosk and getting the employees comfortable...I am excited for Tim. Here are a couple of pictures of the kiosk.

This was taken last night at 9pm

This was take this around 6am

Its looking so good, but so much more will be done by the end of the day!


  1. what a great location!! especially for all those mothers watching their kids at the tree :) good luck with it all! i'll definitely be a customer :)


  2. Wish I could be a customer!! :)
